Play To Earn

Counter Fire supports Play To Earn.

According to the player's game combat performance, in addition to some in-game item rewards, players can also get token rewards. The Play To Earn mode allows players to earn Couner Fire's two types of tokens, $CEC and Game Coin.

Gain $CEC through battle

CEC will only distribute rewards at the end of each game season based on the player's ranking, instead of during regular daily battles. The player's ranking only refers to the number of points the player generates by participating in PVP and the region they are in.

The number of allocations and allocation rules for CEC vary from season to season.

The basic principle: the higher the ranking, the higher the amount of CECs obtained.

And When players own the corresponding asset NFTs, they generate Crystals in their daily PVP games. Players can also earn additional Crystal rewards by completing missions in PVE mode. Crystals can be exchanged for CEC through hashing power.

Please note that players without the corresponding asset NFTs cannot earn additional Crystal rewards through battles."

Gain $CEC through staking.

Staking offers a dual advantage.

Firstly, it allows stakers to earn corresponding Crystals, thereby boosting their hashing power. Secondly, stakers can also directly receive CEC as a reward.

Depending on individual preferences, various staking periods are available, ranging from 1 to 24 months. The longer the staking period, the more CEC you can earn. However, please note that canceling the stake before the commitment period ends will grant you only 25% of the total accumulated CEC.

Eligible staking assets: Genesis badge: Currently available.

Planets: Coming soon.

CEC: About to be listed.

Other asset NFTs: Coming soon

Gain $CEC through Hashing power.

Players can acquire corresponding Crystals through valid in-game actions, such as defeating opponents, asset staking, in-game spending, community participation, etc. These Crystals can be exchanged for hashing power following specific rules. The amount of hashing power a player can acquire depends on the category and quantity of Crystals they possess.

In the hashing power system, the hashing power for each period determines the production amount and speed of CEC. CEC earnings are related to the current CEC prize pool, total system hashing power, and the hashing power players own

Gain $CEC through Explorer Plan

Explorer Plan: the community and product regularly launch campaigns aimed at promoting the long-term growth of Couner Fire.

$CEC will serve as a reward for participants, developers and contributors of both the community and the game.

Gain Game Coin through battle

Game Coin will be generated in the player's daily PVP game. Players can also get GC rewards by completing missions in PVE mode.

Couner Fire sets a cap on the Game Coin rewards each hero can earn from battles per day.

The acquisition of GC can be free (without investment). GC is an in-game token and a centralized currency that players can use to upgrade their hero/weapon. In order to earn, players can swap to $CEG by placing orders on the in-game swap market.

Last updated